So, this year when my son wanted to do something different with our Christmas tree, we did just that!!
Yes, take a look at the picture. Do you notice anything strange about it?
I know you might be thinking "Becky you uploaded the picture wrong way!"
Well, look again! The picture is the right way.
When my son and husband were getting the tree out and ready to assemble, my son came and asked me if we could put up our tree UPSIDE DOWN. My first instinct was 'no.' In fact, I first told him 'no.' But then remembering the true meaning of Christmas...who cares what our tree looks like as long as we enjoy it!
So, just because something has always been done one way doesn't mean we have to continue especially if there is an easier or more enjoyable way of doing it.
Prime example here! The kids had a really good time assembling the tree upside down and we all enjoyed putting on the ornaments. My 15 year old daughter was excited to put on the tree skirt. As with most teenagers, it is difficult to get them to participate in family stuff but this was an activity she not only participated in, but enjoyed. It was good to see her laugh and have a great time!
So to you and yours, do something different this season!
Enjoy the season!
-Becky Esker
Becky Esker is a Certified Professional Organizer, national speaker, owner of Get Organized! LLC and the forthcoming author of "2 Minutes to Organization: The Simplest Way to Get Organized." For free organizing tips, go to