Being away from the office can be good...but the world continues to rotate and create more work and stuff while you are gone!
I have been out of the office and away from work for one week in June, one week in July and one week in August. I had limited computer and internet access each time. Two of the weeks out of the office was for holiday and one was for business. But regardless of the reason, the work piles up when I am gone!
I am trying to unbury myself. I have 700 extra emails in my inbox and 2 huge piles of paper on my desk to process plus I have my regular daily appointments. So, how am I going to get it all done?
I am going to put into action what I preach! I am doing some delegating (my daughter needs money and I need some administrative work done), I am going to update my Master List and schedule time for my to-do's on my calendar and I am going to take a few hours this weekend to sit in front of the TV and clean out the junk in my email inbox.
Hopefully, I will have my head above water by the beginning of September, just in time for me to take a few days off for the Labor Day holiday!!