Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How to organize effective brainstorming sessions

Brainstorming sessions are used to generate creative fresh ideas but the format of a typical brainstorming session makes it easy to let the meeting get out of hand quite quickly. The following are a few tips to be organized and get the most out of your time.

Set an Agenda and Make It Known

When you create an agenda for the meeting and circulate it well in advance your attendees understand the reason for meeting and can come prepared. An agenda also highlights other participants and can underscore why each person is vital to the session’s success.

Designate a Coordinator or Session Leader

The session leader is responsible for documenting ideas, keeping time and steering the focus of the group. When someone is clearly at the helm of the brainstorming session it is easier to direct the other participants to stay on track and to make contributions.

Place a Time Limit on Sessions

Ideally a brainstorming session should last only about half an hour. This is because going for a longer time period distorts the result and participants start to rationalize and this can kill the creativity of more spontaneous responses. If your session has to extend beyond this time it is best to designate short breaks in between so participants can grab refreshments and come back revitalized.

Encourage Participation

The main objective of a brainstorming session is to get solutions that are not run of the mill. This can only happen if people feel free to say anything that comes to mind regardless of how ridiculous it might first appear. The key to achieving this is to suspend judgment and welcome wild ideas.

If you follow these simple tips you can improve the productivity of your brainstorming sessions and generate the results you really want to see.

Becky Esker is a certified professional organizer, national speaker, owner of Get Organized! L.L.C., and the forthcoming author of a new organizing book. Becky and her team provide hands-on services to those in the greater eastern Iowa area and also provide a wide array of products and service to businesses and individuals nationwide through their website. For more information access,;; and