A secret strategy for productivity management is the implementation of a simple timer to make your results more productive. Take a look at the following steps for information on how this is done.
Choose the Timer
You can use a stop watch, an ordinary alarm clock, or the alarm on your cell phone. The point is to get something that allows you to track a predetermined amount of time. The timer can count down or count up.
Choose the Type of Task Wisely
Not all tasks are conducive to timing. If you have to depend on others to provide essential information or input, it’s probably not a good task for using a timer. Use a timer for tasks and productivity you have control over.
Race the Timer
If you have a difficult time staying focused, set your timer and race it. This creates urgency and helps you to overcome outside interruptions.
Work For 25 Minutes
Research has shown that working in smaller blocks of time can actually increase productivity. By setting your timer to 25 minute intervals you give yourself a fairly short burst of time to concentrate on a project or task before taking a break.
Take a Short Break and Repeat
When you take a break it should be for no longer than about five minutes. You can use this time to stretch your legs, get something to drink or simply to clear your mind. When this time is over you should get back to your project and reset your timer.
Using a timer in this way can have a huge impact on your overall results.