Often times we don't feel like doing what we know we should do. It is especially prevalent in times when we are physically sick. But we also find ourselves in this situation when we are mentally and emotionally "burnt-out."
When you don't feel like doing anything at all, how do you get over this hump?
Time and will-power are often the keys to success. Sometimes our bodies and minds just need time to get over things. Even with all the time in the world, unless we have some will-power we may never be motivated at all.
How do you find the will-power? Sometimes it must be cultivated from outside.
Read an inspiring book or watch an inspiring movie or TV show. Make a date with a friend. Do some light exercise. Eat healthy and avoid excessive sugar. Get appropriate and fulfilling sleep. Get on a proper sleep, eating and exercise schedule. And most importantly don't try all these things at once....you will get burned out! Better yet, introduce one of these at a time.
Most importantly...don't give up. This phase will pass and you will soon be back to feeling like you are in charge of the world again!
Becky Esker is a certified professional organizer, national speaker, owner of Get Organized! L.L.C., and the author of 2 Minute Organizing Miracles. Becky and her team provide hands-on services to those in the greater eastern Iowa area and also provide a wide array of products and service to businesses and individuals nationwide through their website. For more information access
http://www.theorganizingchoice.com/, http://www.itssimplyserendipity.com/; and http://www.outstandingseminars.com/